You Can Heal
Family Mediation
Family Mediation allows for parents who separate to make careful choices, of their own free will, concerning the consequences of the separation. With emotions running high, we will guide you through the decision-making process as you define a new life plan and choose how you will play your role as parents.
Private Counselling
Counselling is the skilled and principled use of relationship to facilitate self-knowledge, emotional acceptance and growth and the optimal development of personal resources. The overall aim of counsellors is to provide an opportunity for people to work towards living more satisfyingly and resourcefully. Counselling relationships will vary according to need but may be concerned with developmental issues, addressing and resolving specific problems, making decisions, coping with crisis, developing personal insights and knowledge, working through feelings of inner conflict or improving relationships with others.
Psychosocial evaluations for adults requiring representation and protective measures
A psychosocial assessment completed by a social worker is essential for the homologation of a mandate of incapacity or the opening of a protection plan such as a tutorship.
Commissioner of Oaths
For certain legal processes, you must be sworn in before testifying or signing a document, such as a form. For this purpose you can contact a commissioner for oaths. This will give your document a more official aspect, and make your testimony more credible.
Supervision of Family Mediators
The student model of supervision is for unlicensed professionals eg. family mediators or social workers whom require a certain number of practice hours before obtaining a permit to practice or to obtain a license to their respective orders. Under this model, you will be provided with supervision on a regular basis. The consultation model of supervision is for anyone who already holds a permit or license to practice their profession who would seek supervision as needed.
I offer online and in person services. I'm available to help days and evenings according to my availabilities.

Stephanie Curti, TS., MED
CURS15/07/070TS.,MED • OCSWSSW 859149
About Me
Acknowledgement is at the forefront of change. Making yourself a priority is imperative when life is throwing you one curve ball after an other. Allow me to support you through the transition from survival to actually living. I am a professional social worker, family mediator and licensed supervisor to support family mediators in training.
I work with individuals, families, couples, adolescents, and children who present an array of difficulties that they would like to overcome with the support of a helping hand. In addition to counselling and mediation services, I offer psychosocial evaluation services in the context of incapacitated adults to homologate mandates and protection measures.
I have a wealth of experience in the Health and Social Service network. This experience has provided me with an abundance of concrete skills to help tackle a variety of challenges such as divorce/separation, communication, self–esteem, life transitions, trauma, eating disorders and coping with stress and anxiety. I have the utmost respect for a supportive, nurturing, non-judgemental environment where you can express your needs and we can work towards achieving your goals and developing your full potential while being mindful of your personal strengths and limitations. Take the first step, please reach out.
Take The First Step And Contact Me Now

Public Rights
Anyone who may believe that my professional practice goes against the law or regulations that governs said practice may raise their concerns by reporting them to the appropriate governing order.
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